DAL Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing structures tasks and processes with d.velop process control – dbs | case manager.

  • Improved workflow and more time for customers thanks to d.velop case management
  • Digital workflow management with dbs | case manager has further improved efficiency at DAL in the completion of tasks and processes.

The Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing

Leasing is on trend – not only for cars or commercial vehicles, but also in the real estate sector. A sought-after partner for custom asset-based financing solutions is Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing GmbH & Co. KG (DAL). The company is a network partner of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and offers individual, asset-based financing solutions in the areas of real estate, energy, transportation and logistics, as well as IT and medical technology. With a guided transaction volume of over two billion euros per year, DAL is one of the leading specialists in the realization of large-scale investment projects.

DAL employs nearly 400 staff at its locations in Mainz, Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich Lockstedt, and Fernwald.

To further optimize internal workflows and minimize friction losses, DAL sought a partner. “We considered which platform we could use to better structure our internal processes,” says Falk Leopold, Head of System and Workflow Management at DAL.

One example of the internal processes that needed optimization: the significant increase in emails – after all, email volume in Germany has more than doubled since 2010.

dbs | case manager


Finance Sector




Seeking: Process Management for Semi-Structured Workflows

The sheer volume of messages is less of an issue than the correct allocation and distribution of information. Falk Leopold says, “Is a process in progress? Or is it already completed? Who is currently handling it? Especially in project business, we need to be able to access all information at any time.” “We wanted to have all of this in one program,” says Leopold, “we were looking for process management for semi-structured workflows.”

As a partner for individual, asset-based financing solutions, DAL is subject to many regulations and must meet extensive regulatory requirements, collaborate with supervisory authorities, and adhere to certificates and quality guidelines. This increases the complexity of workflows. In search of a provider for suitable software, DAL quickly came across d.velop AG.

We considered which platform we could further optimize our in-house processes with. With case management from d.velop AG, we have an efficient way of working, as the flow of information is consistent for all employees. This helps us avoid queries, improve workflow, and have more time for our customers. We will now continue on this path with d.velop.Falk Leopold

Falk Leopold
Head of System and Workflow Management

Transaction management with the d.velop dbs | case manager with SAP integration

Detlef Hölzen is the Market Director Financial Services at d.velop AG. He advises DAL and quickly recognized, “DAL has long been a versatile and innovative business and financial partner of d.velop AG, as well as a user of the d.velop documents on-premises system. The use and implementation of the transaction management system dbs | case manager with SAP integration is a logical step towards standardization and digitization of processes.”

A major advantage of the dbs | case manager: The system is intuitive to use and requires no extensive training – allowing all connected employees to define their processes and thereby map workflows or control actions and communication with partners. “Automatic reminders, deadlines, or task templates can also make life easier,” describes Detlef Hölzen. An automatic reminder helps keep important issues in view and process them in a timely manner.

To perfectly tailor the dbs | case manager to the needs and requirements of DAL, the company worked closely with d.velop AG. Unlike workflows that define tasks and steps, DAL can intervene individually in process steps with the dbs | case manager and further optimize workflows. Concrete benefits of digital workflow management:

  • Activities and steps in a project or process are bundled
  • Transparency and overview of the status of tasks, processes, and participants – leading to more efficient reporting
  • Collaborative work on a project is encouraged
  • Internal and external communication is integrated into the digital file of the process
  • Subject matter experts with little IT knowledge can design processes
  • Workflows can be agilely adapted
  • dbs | case manager runs in a web browser and therefore integrates perfectly into existing environments
  • Automatic reminders, e.g., for expiring deadlines
  • Possibilities for integration with SAP
  • Faster processing times
  • Easier controlling
  • Better deadline monitoring
  • Quick adaptability of workflows should legal or regulatory conditions change

“The big advantage lies in clarity”

“The major advantage of the dbs | case manager,” Falk Leopold explains, “lies in its clarity. This allows us to know the status of each workflow, which helps in assigning new tasks within the teams.”

In the case of DAL, this is particularly relevant for internal processes. Both the Transaction Management department and the Contract department, as well as Accounting, work with the dbs | case manager.

Leopold: “With the new system, we can configure internal processes so that they only start when all essential information is available, allowing, for example, the Accounting employee to work comprehensively.” This allows DAL to minimize inquiries and resulting friction. This also helps with decentralized work. Leopold: “Through Case Management with d.velop AG, we have a streamlined workflow because the flow of information is consistent for all employees. This helps us avoid inquiries, increases efficiency, and gives us more time for other tasks.”

With the new system, we can configure internal processes so that they only start when all essential information is available, allowing, for example, the employee in the accounting department to work comprehensively..

Falk Leopold
Head of System and Workflow Management

Processes and control functions organized by DAL with the dbs | case manager

  • Lease commencement of the contract
  • Account opening / account closure
  • Interest conversion
  • Liquidation of asset companies
  • Setting or lifting disposition block
  • Resumption of business activities
  • Transaction overview
  • Grouping by due dates
  • Allocation based on utilization
  • Overview of all ongoing processes per department

The digital workflow management with the dbs | case manager has further improved efficiency in task and process completion at DAL. Employees receive notifications in their task inbox for new assignments, and once these are completed, the inbox is freed up for new tasks. This approach is not only faster than communicating and organizing via email inbox, but it is also less prone to errors and more streamlined.

Falk Leopold: “An additional benefit is that we can digitally model processes and simultaneously optimize and streamline them. Therefore, we will continue down the path with d.velop.”

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